We meet Vanessa Jackson the reporter for Womens Lib Magazine in the first book, The Breaking Point. Her first interview is with Marion Hayes a young woman who was convicted for killing the man she loved. Although her love for him was strong his betrayal stabbed her in her heart and she stabbed back... to death. But what led to this betrayal was it the loss of her baby brother or was it the rape that she encountered? No one can get to the bottom of the story better than Vanessa and she plans to help her friend come to peace with her actions and consquences if it kills her. As told by the other woman is yet another mouth opening story about a young woman that is facing 15 years in prison for the murder of her lovers’ wife. Timberlynn was beginning to change her life for the better until she met, Tre, a smooth talking man who took advantage of the heart of a very young and naïve 18 year old girl who had just came out of the starting gates. After running her around and pulling her by the heart strings, she is faced to make a decision that will ultimately ruin many lives.

What is so enjoyable about the Prison Chronicles is that although each and every story has a gruesome and shocking ending, but there is a lesson: there are always consequences for your actions and karma can be a b**ch.

Check out her books and website at: http://www.black-smithenterprises.com/
1 comment:
I would like to recommend my new ebook as a resource for your reading pleasure, review, and comment. The ebook is intended for use as a “self-improvement” resource for ministries to women’s prisons and/or an inspirational (tell-it-like-it-is) resource for drug prevention programs. The book is non-fiction (It is what it is!); and the original letters are included as images for authenticity.
The recently published ebook is entitled ("Her Letters from Prison: Part 1 & Part 2") by Heather Heaton as published at Smashwords (www.smashwords.com). A brief description of the ebook follows:
Breanna tells the true story of her experiences in prison through her letters to her friend Heath. This is a story of survival and a quest to make a better life. The letters describe the daily shocking events of prison life involving drugs, sex, utter devastation and humiliation, anger, hopelessness, despair, and finally happiness and hope.
Breanna's "truth" stands still even as the world around her trembles and burns! Bad things do happen to good people; and Breanna is the perfect example of this truth.
Breanna's inner strengths and principles eventually win out over the corruption and evil that surrounds her. With God's help, Breanna survives the horrible experiences of prison life and regains her self-confidence and hope for a better life.
"Breanna" was an inmate at Tutwiler Women's Prison from 2007 to 2009.
"Breanna" benefitted from women's prison ministries and the LIFE Tech-Wetumpka state-funded self-help program.
The Introduction page of the ebook follows:
The story you are about to read is true. Unfortunately, it’s my story; and the truth is often much more intriguing than fiction. I have had to deal with this story (this situation) for more than the past ten years. I started living out this story with all the hopes and dreams of most (if not all) young American girls; and I will finish this story by realizing most of those hopes and dreams, even though they have been interrupted for a time (in prison) that seems like time and time again. Through it all, I have managed to learn some life lessons that I hope to give to you; and I am hoping that you can pick up on these lessons earlier in life than I have done. I should have learned these lessons long ago. If I had learned these lessons long ago, I assure you that I would not have written the material you are now reading. My hope is that nobody else has to endure what I have endured learning life lessons that should be given to youngsters and adolescents early in life by the ones who truly love them. But here again, there are probably other youngsters and adolescents, much like me, who will have to learn these life lessons painfully for themselves, the hard way – by experiencing them first hand. Well, if you continue to read my story, here’s what you will experience – drugs, sex, violence, prison, utter devastation/humiliation, anger, hopelessness, despair, and finally happiness and hope!
I hope that you find this ebook both interesting and helpful.
Heather Heaton
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