Publishers: Triple Crown Publications
ISBN: 978-0-9799517-2-5
Author: Quentin Carter
Publication Date: 2008
Pages: 316
Reading Amongst Thieves is like watching a movie. If you liked the movie Scarface, Casino, and Ocean’s 11 then this is a book that will keep your interest. It is filled with so much action that it keeps you reading to the very end.
Ramon Delay is a ruthless thief who loves money and he won’t let anyone get in his way of it—not even his own daughter, Trishay. After serving 15 years for the murder of his ex wife’s brother, Ramon is back on the streets of Kansas ready to announce his arrival. He gets back in touch with his crew so that they can continue where they left in their crime sprees, but Roman has a bigger plan brewing.
Ramon’s childhood friend, Snug Brim has been riding with him since the beginning as they kill and rob making the streets of Kansas hot. Also in the crew is Bobby who scouts the targets of their desire; AJ who supplies the artillery; Chico who drives the getaway car and Yawni who is used like a cunning spider who creates an incredible web of distraction for their victims entangling them to be left as bait and kill for the crew.
The crew is ready to make the big leagues earning more weight (money) then they have ever gotten before, but with more money comes... you guessed it, more problems! Greed makes these close friends become very distant from each other. Do they turn on each other? Do they seek revenge for the money that they have lost? Of, course otherwise this would not be an interesting story.
Suddenly, a young woman by the name of Jayde enters the life of Ramon and she is all that he can think about. She seems to be the woman of his dreams but Jayde is holding back a secret that when exposed could mean the death of Ramon and her guilty pleasure. Their relationship takes Ramon on an emotional and physical ride that leads to a shocking end.
I was pleased with the realness of the story because it was not about a bunch of teens that were making millions in the game because that is so played out and definitely not as lifelike as the other books make it out to be. You can see that just by watching the news. This book is based on gangstas in their forties and it takes quite some time for them to come up to the millions status.
One thing that drove me crazy was how Jayde entered the scene... it almost didn’t make sense. It was when the secret was revealed that it made the book that much more interesting.
Be sure to check out this book and be sure to let me know what you think of the ending and Jayde’s secret...
Agasa Elitou- Reviewer
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