In Bitch, Precious Cummings is that chick! She comes from nothing and uses all of her asssets to get what she wants. When she finally achieves her goals she is then faced with having to deceive her closest aquaintances and answering to the one man that she owes her life to and he is ready to end it.
When she lives to see another day, she then realizes that she has lost someone that she is very close to and she is out for revenge and anyone that stands in her way is going to bow down. Will she use all nine of her lives? When this sexy kitten is ready to do some harm, she let's nothing stop her.
We had the opportunity to chat with Deja and find out about how she feels about the success of her book and what is in store for 2008.
Congratulations on your third book, how does it feel to release another Bitch book?
I’m so excited!! Bitch is going to be a five part series.
When you first released the Bitch book, what were people’s responses?

I instantly got positive feedback, especially from young teenage girls. The story struck a chord for them and they’ve been riding for Precious ever since.
Do you think people identify with these characters?
I think people identify with Precious because a part of them would like to be like her. She’s such a strong independent person who doesn’t take BS from anybody. I think all of us wish we could be like that more often.
How would you categorize your book?
I consider it to be an action packed street novel.
What is the message that you wanted your readers to embrace?
I always want readers to connect to my characters and understand their struggles and actions whether they agree with them or not.
Are you done with the Bitch books?
After The Bitch Is Back, I have two more in the series, which are Queen Bitch and Last Bitch Standing.
How did you feel when the book was published?
When I first saw Bitch in print I was ecstatic. I always loved the concept of the book and the characters. To hold it in my hand was truly an amazing feeling.
Tell us about the Bitch is Back.
In The Bitch Is Back you see Precious at the very top of her game. She is no longer hood rich; I mean her husband is a freaking mogul. She was rich in Bitch Reloaded

How do you stand apart from other artist?
I’m my own person for one. I do what my gut says. For example, a lot of people told me I shouldn’t write a book called Bitch because it would offend so many people. I was like PLEASE because I meant the term as an empowerment for women. When I see a woman who has it all together and I say, “That’s a bad bitch right there,” I mean it as a compliment…period. So with everything I write I separate myself from others because it’s who I am and I bring a freshness that can’t be duplicated.
Tell us a little about you.
I’m a mother first and my family is the most important thing to me. I used to work in the entertainment industry and for a very long time was a party girl, but now I’m a homebody who enjoys writing and spending time with close friends and family.
What is it like to be a published author?
It’s a great feeling because the love and adoration I receive from readers sometimes brings tears to my eyes. I can be having a bad day but when I open an email with a reader praising my work it just lifts my spirits and puts a smile on my face. When I’m at a book signing and someone says thank you for a wonderful book, I tell them "no, thank you" because if it wasn’t for their support I wouldn’t have a career doing what I love.
Do you surprise yourself with what comes out in your writing?
Not really because I’m a complete nut, so it never stops. I’ve been making up stories since I was five years old playing with Barbie’s. I’ve always had an overactive imagination and plus I’ve seen and done so much in my life so it comes naturally for me.
What advice do you have for people who are writing a book?
Be true to your vision, meaning when you’re writing a book knows the picture you want to paint and make it come alive. Also, know your market and give them a book that they will truly enjoy.
What has been your greatest accomplishment?
I haven’t reached it yet. But I am excited about having three books come out in less than a year and being on all three covers. The majors not letting you do that, but Vickie Stringer did it for me and I’ll always love her for that.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Honey, I take it day by day. If me and my family are alive, well and healthy than I’m blessed.
What is your goal for 2008?
For the readers to love the last 3 parts of the Bitch Series and be thirsty for whatever I drop in 2009.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
After you write your book and get it published, grind hard. It’s damn near impossible to break a new author now. The market is so saturated that readers are checking for books written by names they’re familiar with. It can be done but you have to work that much harder to promote you and your material.
Which authors do you admire and why?
I’m a huge fan of Walter Mosley because his talent as a writer is timeless. But as far as admiring authors, that’s not really my thing. But in the street genre I admire Vickie Stringer and Teri Woods because both women got the game on lock. They both understand the importance of branding and hustled their asses off to do just that.
What are the last few words that you would like to leave with those that read this interview?
No one can stop you from accomplishing your dreams but you so don’t fall prey to the negativity. When you’re trying to uplift yourself there will always be somebody trying to bring you down so let the haters be your motivators. Hugs and kisses to all the people who support me and my work!! Much love.
What did you think of the books Bitch and Bitch Reloaded? Do you think Precious is the one that holds it down? Send us your comments and you may win a copy of The Bitch is Back!
Heather Elitou- Interviewer
Precious Cummings is the RAWEST BITCH EVER!!!! I have read hundreds of books and she is the best character out of all of them!!!!
I myself have read all four parts of the bitch series so far and I can't wait to see who be the last bitch standing much love to ya and I hope to be where you are someday .
i love DEJA KING!!!!Her books are hella good.I'm about to read the Queen Bitch and from what i know its really good.But when i was reading the summary for last bitch standing i saw that it said Maya dissapeared with Aaliyah and Supreme.Where the hell did they go??
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