Infinite MagaZine
Art, Photography, Fashion, Food, Music, Movie, Book, Media.
Visit and listen to her sounds at her myspace: www.myspace.com/lafondaforever.com
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Aalim Elitou- Reviewer
Everyone wants to go to fashion week! Although Philly is known for its artistic talents, it has never been known as a fashion mecca. You have to go to New York for that. As of lately, Philly has been doing it new and wild. Thanks to entertainment dudes making a name in the City of Brotherly Love, Fat Boy Hype Entertainment has listed some of the hottest fashion names in Philly and New York along with new designers to put on some of the hottest fashion shows you could every see.
Philly Fashion Week was held in the courtyard of City Hall which had an awesome appearance to onlookers. The set up was multihued with flashing lights and a long black runway for the models to strut their stuff. It was thus far one of the best thus far tried in Philly.
The highlights:
*A portion of the proceeds was given to One.org
*Miasha author of Mommy’s Angel was there giving away her books
*There were several great fall collections especially Anthony Eastwick
*There are plans for one next year
*Jade Cole of America’s Next Top Model is really nice in person
The low points:
*Designers had too many fashions displayed causing the show to last too long
*Jade, who was to serve as host came after the event
*Some of the models did not look like models including the one that walked too slow and drunkenly
List of designers at the show:
Teranchula, Anthony Eastwick (stylist to Mary J. Blidge), James Nelson (stylist to Jill Scott), DivaSperg of Philadelphia, Candy Cane, Seiman Furs, Ebony and many others.
Since this is the first of many to come, I would say that it was a good show and it can only get better with time.
Check out my my iView with Jade Cole!
What is life like after America's Next Top Model?
It's been great. The exposure was great and that was the best part of the show. I have been pushing myself with modeling and acting. I am living my dream traveling around the world.
How do you like being home in Philly?
I love it, this is my hometown even though on the show they made it seen as though I was from New York which where I currently live, I always represent Philly.
What are you doing now?
I have been traveling a lot because it opens my third eye and I love meeting new people and everyday I write.
What advice do you have for young ladies that are interested in becoming models?
Be sure that you educate yourself about the business because there are a lot of bad people out there. Stay focused and be sure to ask questions.
iView & Review by Tweety Elitou
Sure, my stepfather is Filipino which is why my last name is Rivera. Both my grandmother's were half-American Indian and half-Black American, my cousins are Puerto Rican so I guess that makes our family a big mutt United Nations mix!
What made you decide to write about the issue of teenage gangsta love?
I'm very passionate about telling stories about people that are overlooked and wouldn't get a second chance... one of those groups are those involved in gangs. When I was growing up I always had friends that were involved with gangs in someway, but I never judged them and saw them as human beings first. So in return, they acted like human beings not the gang stereotypes that other people saw them as. Love is universal, I don't know what it is. I guess I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.
Why do you think that this topic was important?
I feel like even though I don't come from that background, I've been chosen in some spiritual way to tell their stories. To let people know that at the heart of things we're all the same.
The idea that most of the conversation between Dio and Jennifer via letters made it a good read, why did you choose this style?
Thanks, well I think is some way it was a subconcious decision because that's how my mom and stepdad met and communicated... through letters. He was in the Philipines and she was in America. She would read us those letters when we were little before she actually met him in person.
When you wrote about Dio, what did you think of him?
Well since Dio is very much a part of me and my little brother I didn't judge him. He was always a human being that happened to be in a gang.
Was Dio based on someone that you know?
Yes, Dio is based on my friend Claudio, myself, my brother and my friend Sergio.
The ending had an interesting twist, do you think it will lead to a book two?
That's my hope-- that the story continues into a trilogy.
What character was your favorite character to write about?
I LOVED writing Louise because she was so salty and down to earth. She's my favorite. The one I had the most fun writing.
What are your plans for 2008?
My plans are to crank out book after book and to continue on my school book tour throughout the year. I'm having a great time speaking to young people and meeting fans. Many of the schools are making the novel required reading.
Will there be other books?
Definitely, besides the sequels I'm working on other stories some urban, some historical but always with an element of love.
Be sure to check out Jeff's website at: www.jeffrivera.com
Agasa Elitou-Interviewer & Reviewer
“…I dreamed one day that my brothers and sisters would stand together…and shake hands…and show support and respect…and be united…but the African American nation won’t change for the better unless each African American make a personal change for the better…”
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Aalim Elitou- Reviewer
Pat Grant-Williams is one of the best in the industry. In the business for more than 20 years, a former salon owner of several successful salons, a featured monthly columnist for HYPE Hair Magazine and a feature in Rolling Out Magazine, Beauty Store Business, Vibe Vixen, Essence, etc. her expertise and extensive knowledge of hair is just what Crème of Nature needed to make their new product line a success.
We were pleased to speak with Pat as she shared some of her hair care facts and the brilliance of the new Crème of Nature product line.
How has the experience been working with Crème of Nature?
It has been wonderful. It is always my goal to help educate consumers about healthy hair because it is based on understanding the hair.
Why should women focus more on their hair care?
I think that women of color are looking for complete wellness. We see more women taking more care of their bodies, skin and hair. I hear from the consumers that they don’t know as much as they should about their hair care maintenance. They go to salons and they are still in need of knowing more about their hair and the best hair care they can receive.
So do you think that one-on-one consultations are in need from the stylist to their client?
Always! I think that before you can treat a client, you need to understand their hair and know what kind of hair they have in order to give them the best results. I think that the consumer should have the information about the product that she is using, and know how to maintain healthy hair after the salon experience.
How do the natural ingredients as in the new Crème of Nature Products help more in the promotion of healthy hair?
The hair should be shampooed everyday and especially if you are using more than two products (hair spray and gels) on you hair a day. Over time, the chemicals may damage the hair follicle and that is where the hair grows from the root. If you want to have healthier hair, then you must release the chemicals daily from the hair follicle and use natural products without pesticides and fumigants which is going to be healthier for the hair.
See Pat's 5 Tips for Promoting Healthier Hair!!! (Side Bar)
Heather Elitou-Reviewer
Mary Lafayette is no stranger to the fashion industry. She has been styling and creating the latest fashion trends for some of the most well-known artists and fashion magazines in the world. Do you remember the infamous Vibe cover with Mary J. Blige in which she stated that she was not happy with the image? Well, although Mary was not pleased with the cover picture, she was pleased with the styling of Mary Lafayette. Mary’s other clients have included Busta Rhymes, Prodigy, Xzibit, Ginuwine, En Vogue, Usher, Nas, Chris Tucker and Kimora Lee Simmons. Her work has been featured in such magazines as Vibe, WWD, Essence, Ebony, and Teen People just to name a few.
As a trend-setter, Mary has embodied the meaning of fashionista and does not take her business lightly as this New York City lady always in travel, forever seeking knowledge of growing trends in order to create them and enhance them. In 2001, Mary founded her fashion consultant, styling and design company Fashion Luv Joenz in order to provide assistance to those looking to create an image that would enhance their personal and business image. The name is from the deep love jones she has for fashion, but the spelling is a tribute to her late grandfather, Joe Davis. In May 2001, she landed her first styling assistant gig and from that day she knew that she wanted to be a full-time stylist and decided to start her own business.
As of recently, she has just signed with the Victoria Agency for representation adding to the many major moves that Mary has set for herself this year. “I am very excited about joining the Victoria Agency, and look forward to successful representation," she said. With the representation of this agency she will possibly add to her already famous list of clientele and her schedule will become more hectic than ever before.
We recently had the opportunity to speak with our friend Mary Lafayette about her decision to become a fashionista and she has become such a fashion success.
What made you choose to be a fashionista?
I shared with a former co-worker, while working in Marketing and Events for Vanguarde Media, Inc. in 2001 that I was interested in Fashion Styling, and she introduced me to a stylist.
How long have you been in fashion?
As a professional, 6 years, but on a personal level I have been styling and into fashion since I was born. If you see pictures of me as a baby and into my youth, my mother always dressed me well from head to toe. She made sure I was always on point!
How did you know that you have this talent?
I guess because my mother made sure I was always in the latest fashions or at least looking fashionable. I’ve always been into fashion, and my friends would always want me to go shopping with them to help them pick out an outfit for a school dance, a date, prom, the club, etc. I never knew that I could make a career out of shopping for and dressing people.
How important is fashion to you?
Very! I read magazines, I’m always online researching the latest fashions, and I write articles periodically for magazines, online publications or organizations who want to offer ideas to their customers on the latest fashion trends. I love to people watch and see what others are rocking on the street. I must say that Brooklyn has the best fashion dons and divas in terms of creating original fashion ideas.
Where did you get your inspiration for your styles?
From designers, fashion ads and shows, street fashion, vintage films and photos.
How do you define success?
Being mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy. Achieving this is always a work in progress, but with prayer and positive people in your circle, you will always be successful in anything you pursue.
What advice would you give to aspiring stylists?
Get exposure by going out to fashion events and let people know that you are interested in pursuing fashion styling as a career. If you have time to go to school, it’s not a bad idea so that you gain the technical experience that will enhance your skills and make you more marketable, because the competition is serious.
What is your goal for 2007?
Continued success! Staying focused and in prayer!
To learn more about Mary Lafayette and her company, visit: http://www.fashionluvjoenz.com/ and www.myspace.com/fashionluvjoenz
Heather Elitou-Reviewer