Prayz1 is the next Kanye West with a cleverness that reminded me of the God MC- J Hova (Jay-Z) who also started out in a culturally conscious and religious genre of Islam.
Born James Frager, he has been a faithful member of his church and has been blessing the microphone with his born again street skills since receiving a Holy Hip-Hop CD from a friend.
His debut titled, “The Difference” was a tight CD. Although I am not Christian, the intro was hypnotic with good arrangement. In fact, the first four tracks including, the intro, Life, Heavenly Father, Church Fan and It was Love had my attention. It did begin to become too preachy for me but I can see people who ascribe to the Christian belief getting into it.
James is a prolific lyricist, but I don’t think we have received the full scope of his talent because for a non-Christian he is limited. I know that he has a talent and can rap about Christ, but can he rap about anything else? Overall, the CD is very fluent and I did nod to it.
Get the CD and tell me what you think?
Aalim Elitou- Reviewer
There is a big difference between secular rap and gospel! They (christians) aren't just spittin about God with clever punch lines and metaphors. These cats actually have a relationship with the Heavenly Father by confessing Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Therefore, what they spit is a reflection of who they are in Christ, and who Christ is to dem. Of course it's gonna be preachy to a non-christian, but to a christian, it's encouragement to live a holy lifestyle according to God's will, and to live holy in this "hip-hop" sub-culture. And that christians aren't "corny" you can still rock fitted and white t's and still love and serve God.
I disagree that there is a big difference, but there is a difference. No one but Christians are spittin Holy Hip Hop cleaver or not, and I would assume that each of them will say that they have a relationship with god. I do think that the Christian community can really appreciate this CD because it is something that they would enjoy. Non-Christians can enjoy it as well but that will probably be more catered to a personal taste because not everyone wants to hear religion in their music. I would like to hear this artist expand his horizon into life in general as god is in every aspect of life not just the church. Thanks for your comment.
Your comments are always appreciated.
Always Infinite
Aalim Elitou
first off, i pray that you did read my post as if I had an angry tone. We are both grown and there is no reason to argue online.
So you did enjoy some of the cd, but you would like to hear him spit about God in an everyday aspect? Or just everyday stuff, without God in it??
Typo in last post!! I pray that you DIDN'T read
No, I did not read your post in bad spirit. I just disagreed with the "big difference". Same words, same dress, diferent message though. Yes, I did enjoy the CD and heard someone bangin the CD in their whip today. Would I like to hear Prayz1 rap without God? I was not aware that one can do anything without God, but since you asked, no I would like to hear him stretch his imagination in the deliverance of his religious message via his rap skills. Thanks for your response...
Ok, I was tryin to see what you meant by him rapping about "life in general as God is in every aspect of life." And you're right, one can't do anything with out God. We must consider this is his first cd. My friends and I have realized that you can really see and hear the difference between first and second cds, in holy hip hop. I want to thank you for commenting back.
The reason I say there is a big difference between the two is because the affect the music has on the community, and the lifestyle of the artist. YOu're right, in the music sense there isn't much difference. The punch-line and metaphors are there. The beats are tight and there is good production. But the difference is the lyrical content, and the culture we promote. We spit about prasing and serving GOD, and building up the community. Gangsta rap talks about shootin somebody cuz they on dey not from ya block, sellin drugs and it is very disrespectful to women.
The reviewer of this CD missed the entire concept of the album. The Difference wasn't just speaking about The Difference of his lyrics in comparision to secular artist, but his wlk in Christ and his overall and general lifestyle. The Difference is for more of a younger crowd that relates to the beats and the hip hop gener, but liev there life for God. He is trying to show people that you can listen enjoy a nice beat and rap and still live a positive lifestyle to the Glory and adoration of the Lord.
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