Art is an intellectual journey as well as an emotional
expression of the human soul. Many artists are celebrated for their artistic/intellectual contributions while others are a best kept secret. No matter how intellectual art may be, it is not limited to instruction and learning as its only occupation in life. Because art is poetic, it can be very entertaining as well as informative. The art form that appeals to you will most depend on your interests. Just recently I have found that the only thing more interesting than art is the artist herself.

Growing up in Central NJ, she was given a gift by her brother that would not only initiate her inner artist, but would also last to this very day... a black book to bare her young soul. This gift of love helped mold her poetic expression. For Tamarah, poetry has been a past time passion since she was a tween and she was grateful to answer her calling at eighteen. She later advanced her expression and added visual abstract art to her repertoire.
About 12 p.m. on a cool sunny Friday, I walked into the coffee shop in the historical Germantown area of Philly she was already there bright and filled with interesting conversation. We greeted each other warmly, sat down, talked, and got comfortable before we began the interview. We talked about everything from art, religion, politics, psychology, and healing. After getting acquainted, it seemed that I had accomplished my goal and we were comfortable enough to begin our interview.
Join me as we take a look at the world through the eyes of an artist. I think that you will find the view quite interesting.

I started in 2003. I never took an art class and the best that I was able to do was color within the lines (laughter). A good friend of mines took me to an art store and said that I should try creating art and the next thing I know it, I was creating visual art. As far as poetry, I have been doing it since I was a little girl.
Do you think your creativity is spiritual?
Yes because if people ask me to draw a tree, it does not come out like a tree. But when I let the words flow and my mine vision, then it comes out divine. Just like with the poetry. When I am done, I am in awe.
How do you feel when you have completed your work?
I feel that since of accomplishment, that wow which makes me feel good.
How do you keep your art fresh?
I constantly challenge myself with everything that I do.
Which artists do you admire and why?
I admire Maya Angelou because there is so much depth to who she is from a singer to a motivational speaker and the belief that she has in our people, and the youth. I remember when I was in college and we had the chance to go to the main campus and see her. Maya Angelou came in and I was in such awe. I felt her every words the entire time! I was shaking because it was so phenomenal.
What three words best describe your style?
Off beat and unorthodox is my poetry (laughter). I am very color-coordinated.
How did you develop your style?
I can’t take that responsibility. I would have to say that is God.
Tell us a little about you that most people don't know.
What you see when you come into my home is who I am. I am always chillin’ on my couch with candles and light music... being mellow is being me.
What is some of the feedback that you've gotten on your work?
I hear that I am good and that I have talent. I also get, “what in the hell are you doing?” (laughter)
How do you respond to negative feedback?
I channel it and let it challenge me. I know that I have a gift and I want it to progress. It does me well when people are honest. I hope that they continue to be so.
What is next for you?
I am planning to display my work at an art gallery. I have another book of poetry coming. I hope that all who read this are there and reading my books (laughter).
What are the last few words that you would like to leave with those that read this interview?
Be inspired and go out and do beyond what you usually do.

Check out Tamarah at: and leave a comment for Tamarah in the comment box.
Tamarah Ynise,
I can feel the passion you have for your work when reading how you discovered your talents, who you admire and what motivates. I admire they way you express how you acquired your gift…your blessing. This is such a delight. And I am so proud of you. You are an inspiration. You are truly blessed and I wish and pray for your continued success.
Look up and find all of your stars and reach for them all for you have a bright future ahead of you.....your work is wonderful.....much success to you.....Tye:=).....
Tamarah Ynise,
I would've nevr known that you are an artist of such a special calliber. It is a joy and inspiration to see young women like yourself creating what is in the heart. Keep doing the damn thing. You have my support. I hope to see you on the stage, or in a scene this summer. I am looking forward to it. Love you girl!!
Flight 1108
"We don't need no music".
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